An innovative drug testing device
more efficient and less invasive
for the traffic police of umeå
the project was awarded with one if design award and the core77 award runner up in two categories
In 1997, the swedish government was the first to establish vision zero:

"In the long term, no one should be killed or seriously injured on the road transport system"
the project was characterized by a very tight cooperation with the traffic police of umeå and the police education unit. in the 10 projects we were able to talk to the police 11 times and conduct interviews.

early on, we noticed a problem in the detection of driving under the influence of drugs.
20% road fatalities are due to driving under the influence
according to the brå institute, a decrease is seen in the detection of driving under the influence of alcohol. however, an increase is seen for reported driving under the influence of drugs over the years.
the police officer moves a pen, which the suspect must follow with eyes. then, based on irregular eye movements and gut feeling, the policer officer must make the decision whether to take a blood or urine test.
the current judicially valid detection of drugs is done by urine or blood tests, which have to be conducted in hospitals or police stations by trained personnel. in interviews with the police, we found out that this procedure can take from one hour to four hours.
sprint process
our iterative approach had a great influence on the outcome of the project. we divided the project into several sprints, the results of which allowed us to enter into a better design dialogue with the police.
in our research, we found a promising technology used by the startup intelligent fingerprinting. using liquid chromatgraphy mass spectrometry, substances can be detected in sweat from the fingertips.
with our first prototype, we were able to make our idea for a new drug testing device immediately tangible and could test the applicability of different concepts very early.
in our design process, the need for an integration of digital and physical interaction emerged. this prototype was intended to show the process of the test device through button presses and a display, but we learned that the representation was too abstract for many stakeholders.
in the third prototype, we were able to combine the form factor from the first and the function from the second. through this representation, we were able to get very detailed feedback on the interaction.
form exploration
iterative exploration of the user interface up to the adaptation to the final display.
user flow of the refined testing procedure
user flow of the refined testing procedure
structure of the prototype
structure of the prototype
the level of detail of our prototype was only possible through the applications blokdots and hapticlabs. in this project i used an arduino and haptic components for the first time. the two programs allowed me to prototype different directions quickly and easily without any previous knowledge.
during the project, we also worked out how we could mill from two sides in order to build prototypes more economically.
in addition to cnc milling, we had to manually mill all of the functional features on the form.
for the high fidelity prototype we were able to incorporate all the desired functions, with display, buttons, leds and haptic feedback into the final form factor.
the high fidelity prototype
compared to today's standard testing methods, a screen test can be carried out very quickly on the basis of a small suspicion. innocent people can be screened out quickly and further suspicious suspects can still be convicted with a highly accurate test.
the testing procedure
both the police officer and the suspect should be guided through the testing procedure by substance:id. for this purpose, there is a large screen that both parties can see at all times and a clearly visible field for taking the sample.
to assist police officers and avoid having to constantly check the suspect, substance:id provides haptic feedback on success and accidental or attempted fraud. thus, an equally good sample can be secured each time to further improve the precision of the test.
a button on the back of the unit can be used to initiate the chemical procedure and thus the analysis.
after the analysis is complete, a pre-indication of the test result is displayed only to the police officer on the back of the device. this allows the officer to maintain control of the situation and keep unforeseen reactions under control.
the test result can then be linked to the identity of the suspect in the database via qr code on the smartphone. this makes the device more robust and less vulnerable to bad connection to other devices or networks.
after the qr code has been scanned, the test can then be continued manually to confront the suspect with the preliminary test result.
all test results are also stored anonymously in the log on the device and can later be retrieved and integrated into reports.
niklas muhs
joel sjödin

thomas degn
jens asserlind
first term project
10 weeks
user experience design
interface and industrial design
next project